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Mr. Brad Harrison - Principal

Mr. Harrison was born and raised in Manteca. He attended New Haven Elementary School and graduated from East Union High School. He then attended Lubbock Christian University where he received a Bachelor of Science in Social Science. Mr. Harrison earned his master's degree in Educational Leadership from La Verne University.

Mr. Harrison has dedicated over 30 years of his life to serving the Manteca Unified School District. He spent 6 years teaching between Stella Brockman Elementary, Sierra High, and East Union High. He then ventured into administration with 12 years as Vice Principal at East Union, 3 years as an administrator at Manteca Day School, and 8 years at Weston Ranch High School as Assistant Principal.

As the principal of Manteca Education and Training Center, Mr. Harrison has two main goals. First, to continuously improve all programs based on needs as identified by data analysis. Second, to provide support and resources to all MUSD schools as well as the wider community.

In his spare time, he loves to travel in his fifth wheel trailer with his wife and spend time with his three children and nine grandchildren. He also enjoys camping, hiking, playing golf, and fly fishing.

I have always focused on what is best for our student. I work towards that in everything I do, including planning, creating programs, and training teachers and staff.